WFH + ADHD can be difficult
Here are some of the struggles:
• Rolling out of bed, straight to your desk in pajamas & feeling sluggish all day, conquering tasks at the speed of a sloth.
• Having a desk in a cluttered and distractive space and not being able to focus because your desk resembles an archaeological dig site.
• Not having clear boundaries between work and personal life. How can you focus in a space where just a few moments ago you’ve been having a Netflix marathon?
• Feeling unmotivated and uninspired – every day feels like a Groundhog Day
Prepare your workspace
Take 10 minutes to tidy before you start work (even though it might feel like a waste of time at the moment – it’s definitely worth it. It can set the mood for the whole day).
Prepare your desk with water & snacks (helps to stay hydrated and fed when that hyperfocus hits).
Minimise distractions
Arrange your desk in an area with the fewest distractions, especially if you’re sharing the space with someone else. Positioning the desk away from clutter or unfinished home tasks can greatly enhance your focus.
💡 A few ideas to consider: set up your desk where your view is limited to the wall or window, or perhaps create a work space within a closet which you can close and forget about once the workday is done (using object permanence to our advantage here).
Establish a transition to mark the start of your work hours.
A good approach is to switch into your designated work clothes, and then switch back at the end of the day.
Alternatively, consider having a distinct pair of work shoes that you only wear at home. As soon as you put them on, they signal to your brain that it’s time to focus.
use visual cues
Make things visual! Use things such as calendars, to-do lists, vision boards, progress trackers, timers and reminders.
Visuals can create strong mental hooks – when you see an image associated with a task or goal, it’s easier to remember. Also, when you’re faced with a whirlwind of tasks, having visual cues simplifies decision-making.
Work together with someone else. You can join a body-doubling session through zoom or visit a co-working space. It can be helpful to connect with a co-worker or a friend who’s also working from home. This accountability nudges you to gain momentum, stay on track and reduces the temptation to veer off into distractions.
A great way to do so can be setting up a standing desk with a walking pad, or a desk bike. You can also do 5-10min exercises during breaks or take a longer walk during the lunch break. Physical activity can help with focus, stress and restlessness. Movement also boosts the release of the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals: dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.